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Join us on our journey! Support the movement for change by donating and volunteering. Your contributions to 'Hack Your Lives' have a significant impact, enabling us to deliver programs and support, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to create and own their unique life and identity.

Ways to Donate

Direct Donations

You can make a one time donation with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay on this Stripe Donation Form.

You can make a one time or recurring donation with PayPal on this PayPal Donation Form.

Donation Store for DEFCON Furs

You can support Hack Your Lives through our DEFCON Furs program donation store page.

Matching Gifts and Employee Giving

Many workplaces match their employees’ charitable gifts, meaning Hack Your Lives will receive anywhere from 50% to 200% in additional contributions, as long as you report the donation to your employer.

Donate Your Time

Hack Your Lives relies on financial support from supporters like you, but you can also help us with our mission by becoming a volunteer.